Improve your hiring process with skills assessments and test validation


Hundreds of pre-employment, promotional, and diagnostic tests for various jobs.

HR Consulting

Nearly five decades of consulting experience. Professionally affiliated consultants. A database of 30,000 questions. Let us be an extension of your HR Team.

Find the right test for the job

From technical job skills to reading, math, aptitudes, and learning ability, we have the test to fit your particular need.

Job Skills Tests

Comprehensive, technical tests to gauge the knowledge and skills required for various jobs.

Aptitude Tests

Accurately measure candidates’ ability to grasp concepts and predict apprenticeship or training program performance.

Basic Skills Tests

Assess the requirements for learning and performing entry-level or learner jobs.

People Skills Tests

Screen individuals who will work in a leadership capacity, a team environment, or a sales role.

Need a custom solution?

Let us design the perfect one for you.