Intellectual Property Agreement

All tests on this site are copyrighted property and are protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. You are not permitted to print, copy, distribute, or save in digital or hard copy format the tests, in whole or part, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Any use in violation of Federal copyright law will subject you to damages and penalties for copyright infringement.
All trademarks, trade names, and service marks mentioned and/or used belong to their respective owners, who may or may not endorse, sponsor, or be affiliated with Ramsay Corporation.
Furthermore, all test content is confidential and proprietary to Ramsay Corporation. You may not disclose or otherwise disseminate any test content with any other party or person. You may not use the test content for your own or any third party's benefit.

Personal Data Agreement

As a condition to taking the assessment, YOU CONSENT AND AGREE to the processing, analyzing and use of your personal data and assessment results by Ramsay, your employer or potential employer and any other third party associated with your employment for all lawful purposes.
Further, YOU CONSENT AND AGREE (a) that Ramsay, your employer or potential employer and any other third party associated with your employment may retain your personal data and assessment results after the assessment process, in order to assist, evaluate and refine the effectiveness of the assessment and the job application process and (b) to your personal data being stored in an electronic database in the United States of America.